Textile printing in stand design and manufacture is the most interesting business option within the field of graphic communication in the next 10 years. There are 4 types of textile printing:

  • Screen printing
  • Latex inks
  • UV inks
  • Sublimation

In this post we will talk about textile sublimation, the option with the highest print quality and which forms a perfect combination with stands production.


Over several days, our technicians have received training in Belgium in order to start marketing the modular “ALUVISION” system in Spain. This modular aluminum system has clearly defined characteristics:

  • Creativity: The design places no limits on size or originality.
  • Robustness: engineering and manufacturing make it a long-lasting product.
  • Versatility: different stands can be built using the same elements, changing the design.
  • Easy assembly: assembly is as simple as Mecano.

When we install a stand in a fairground, it is essential to choose a structure that meets the needs of the customer. We always seek to make the most of your investment, which is why Serisan offers you the option of selling or renting this modular system.

When a company goes to a lot of events or fairs, it needs to transmit different advertising messages, this is achieved in 2 ways: changing the graphics for new ones, without this involving a great expense for the client and the second and most important, changing the design of the stand with the same elements that make up the entire structure. https://serisan. com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/time-lapse-belgica. mp4

To mount an photography exhibition outdoors we have to take into account:

  • Printing: the inks have to be durable, so water based inks discolored by exposure to ultraviolet rays do not work. For the images to last over time UV inks, resistant to exterior conditions, are needed, and if we also add a layer of varnish, it will last even longer.
  • The support: we look for robust elements, resistant to vandalism and weathering: stone, steel, aluminum composite, are ferrous materials, ideal for this type of work.
  • Installation: we use assemblies with safe surfaces, with beveled vertices, without sharp edges.

Mounting your own exhibition

Once the idea is conceived, all the materials chosen and the impressions, cuts, and assemblies prepared … we have everything ready for the installation of the different elements. We choose different materials to attract the attention of the passersby. We have looked to create an environment so that the supports look like sculptures, and we hope we have achieved this goal.



Being clear in our minds that innovation and teamwork are the keys to success, we have joined the Fespa-España team to take another step forward in our professional evolution. Working for sustainability is a priority in the coming years, combining synergies in this regard will keep maintain our customer’s trust. The search for new challenges, for continue growth, has led us to join forces with this team, with the best professionals in the sector.

Here you have our interview

SERISAN bets on innovation

SERISAN bets on innovation



One of the main elements of ; signage is the vinyl;. Thanks to its versatility and characteristics, it can be installed on practically any surface: walls, facades, floors, glass and a long etcetera.

In this work, Serisan has used a high quality cast vinyl, to place it on the sheet that forms the facade. In addition, it has been placed at a great height, which makes it even more difficult, as it has to be done from a platform. But as you can see in the images and in the video made for the occasion, the conformity of the vinyl has allowed to apply it and to shape it on a surface like the sheet metal. Whether it is a smooth or corrugated surface, you can be sure that we will apply the vinyl with the best results.

Facade vinyl: an economical and efficient solution


The facades of shops and businesses are one of the main attractions to attract customers. Whether they are premises at street level or industrial warehouses, it is an element whose image cannot be neglected.

The facades offer several options for signage: composite coverings, vinyl in the windows, outdoor signs, etc. One of the most economical options is facade vinyl. Whether for small or large facades, vinyl can be used to show your company’s corporate image. Do you want your business to stand out from the crowd? At Serisan we have a solution for every problem.

s>; and one of our technicians will advise you without obligation.

Recently, the first interactive Outdoor Totem was inaugurated in Potes (Cantabria, Spain). The event was attended by the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Tourism and Commerce of the Regional Government of Cantabria, the mayor of Potes, Javier Gómez, and a number of Cantabrian VIPs.

(Digital Signage) modifies not only the urban infrastructure but also the advertising environment, as we knew it a few years ago. The digital totem is the first one that is located outdoors in Cantabria and the region of Liébana was chosen for its great appeal among tourists. It is definitely the right solution to interact outdoors.

Interactive Outdoor Totem. Digital Signage

Interactive Outdoor Totem. Digital Signage

Technical features

Interactive Outdoor Totem is the ideal solution for sending advertising messages and information to people with immediate impact, perfect visibility, even direct sun, serviceability and flexibility for easy integration of any interactive device.

  • Installation in any environment.
  • Metal frame, 49″; outer screen.
  • Standard USB or RJ45 Ethernet cable connection.
  • Integrated diagnostic control.
  • Integration with multi-touch screens, webcams, proximity sensors, PCs/players, etc.
  • Equipped with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, DSID DIRECTOR software to manage the totem, upload content and manage applications.

    Outdoor Interactive Totem. Digital Signage

    Outdoor Interactive Totem. Digital Signage


Digital Signage, dynamic digital signage o multimedia digital signage, is the use of digital content broadcast through screens such as LCD monitors, plasma screens, an LED panel or projectors (Projector).

The installation of the first ; outdoor advertising totem in the region of Liébana will be a turning point in “outdoor”; technology. Tourist villages like Potes need to show their visitors the beauty of their landscapes, their monuments, the local products. . . therefore the interactive digital signage; will provide the tourist with an a la carte consultation.

Recently, the first outdoor interactive totem was inaugurated in Potes (Cantabria). The event was attended by the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Tourism and Trade of the Government of Cantabria, the Mayor of Potes: Javier Gómez and various Cantabrian personalities.

The digital signage; (digital signage) is changing not only the urban infrastructure but also the advertising environment as we knew it a few years ago.

The digital totem is the first to be placed “outdoor”; in Cantabria and the region of Liébana has been chosen as a place with a great tourist attraction.

When we talk about 3D robot, are we thinking of 3D printer? It is possible, because although there is a difference both elements seek the same thing: manufacturing a product to meet a market need.


It is clear that when we pronounce the word 3D robot, unconsciously we are thinking of high end technology. It is also true that this sophisticated machinery is going to replace thousands of jobs in the future, but also very true that the world cannot stop turning, and companies that do not keep innovation in mind, have an expiration date Read more


The history of 3D printing 3D begins in 1976 with inkjet printing, which transformed into printing with materials in 1984. Since then, everything has been manufactured: from organs such as a kidney in 2002, a leg prosthesis which helps a person to walk in 2008, to printed blood vessels made with bio-printers in 2009.

In 2011, the industry went a step further by creating the first plane and the first car. At present, 3D printing can be applied to all fields, such as automotive, medicine, space, industry, food or education.

In the near future, it is estimated that there will be a 3D printer in every home, as common as today’s household computers or dishwashers.

Serisan Not wanting to be left behind, Serisan has already incorporated 3D printers in order to offer technology and differentiation to our customers.

Types of 3D printers

3D printers are classified according to the technology they use, defined as:

  • De Stereolithography (SLA) also called “resin”, were the first to be used.
  • Laser Selective Sintering (SLS) born in the 1980s, the main difference with SLA with these you can use a large number of powdered materials, such as ceramics, polystyrene or nylon…
  • Injection printers are the most similar to everyday paper printers.
  • Molten Material Deposition Printing (FDM), also known as Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) uses a technology that deposits molten polymer on a flat, layer by layer basis.

We find several types of FDM printers though the most widespread are Cartesian and Delta:

After this brief summary about the classification of printers and their types we are going to talk about the FDM or FFF Delta type technology printers, the printers that Serisan works with Serisan.

3d printer for prototyping

3d printer for prototyping



There are currently a lot of variety of materials: ABS, PLA, PETG … The materials used by Serisan for the Delta printer are PLA filaments made from biodegradable corn starch, composed of plant components that do not emit gases when melting.

PLA filaments can be found in a variety of colors, although new combinations of materials such as PLA with metallic powder or wood fibers are increasingly created.

The pieces that are obtained, are not always rigid, you can print flexible pieces such as bracelets, shoes, clothes…

What is the 3D printing process?


First, the 3D design of the object we want to reproduce is created. The design can be downloaded from an image bank such as Thingiverse Thingiverse or self-designed.

Subsequently, a printing software such as Simplify 3D is used. Different settings are used to take into account variables such as thickness of the layer, the printing speed, the filling and the size of the piece. This information is transmitted through its programming language, Code G or G-Code, which determines a trajectory from which the piece is created.


In order for the printer to operate, the nozzle must reach a temperature of 200 degrees. The filament rolls melt and are expelled by the nozzle, they solidify as they take the form of each layer.

The system calculates how long it will take to print a part, and once the order is launched the printer can print continuously, day and night.

The printer used by Serisan has a heated base that helps the object stay well glued and does not give problems of grinding (bitten filament).

SERISAN manufactures pop-up stores, but what are they?

Pop-up store is a term which emerged in the last decade and its literal meaning is “temporary commercial space”. The first temporary stores appeared in countries such as the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom at the beginning of this century.

Serisan  has always adapted to the latest developments, specializing in designing pop-up stores which respond to the needs of each client, advising and carrying out the process from start to finish, combining creativity and innovation. Read more